Athlete Mindset

Peak Performance Coaching
Dirk Downing, PhD
Mental Performance Coach
314-406-7658 / [email protected]
Dirk Downing played high school golf in St. Louis and competitively in the summers. During college summers, Dirk worked for Carol Fromuth, assisting with tournaments. He graduated from the University of Missouri with a doctorate and now practices in St. Louis.
Dr. Downing’s Approach to Mental Performance Coaching:
“My experience in junior and high school golf, while rewarding, often fell short of my expectations. My mental approach was all over the place, and I would often try a new strategy every time I teed it up. I was so focused on what other successful golfers were doing and thinking that I neglected the approach that would work best for me. In my PhD program in Sport Psychology at Mizzou, I learned the necessary mental strategies to overcome distraction and maximize each round. I also learned how important it is to train your mind with a Mental Performance Coach who can provide a tailored approach to meet the needs of each individual. The mental game is not one size fits all! If I had the opportunity to work with a mental performance coach as a junior golfer, I absolutely believe it would have helped my game!”